Sunday, December 16, 2012

Marmalade au Bacon

Hey frugies,

Just last post, I was talking about having discovered that President's Choice had just introduced their "gourmet" Black Label brand. In this post, I can actually talk about having tried one of their products; Bacon Marmalade! Oh yes, a sweet condiment made from bacon.

Before having actually cracked open my 370 mL jar of Bacon Marmalade, out of curiosity I prowled the internet looking for product reviews. To my dismay, the lone review I was able to find expressed disappointment when comparing PC Bacon Marmalade to Skillet Street Food's Bacon Jam citing that PC's product listed its first ingredient a sugar, when the latter more superior Bacon Jam was a meaty, smokey, and savoury piece-de-resistance.

Undeterred and having already purchased a jar of PC Bacon Marmalade, I decidedly prepared myself a snack that looked like this:

Admittedly, the product's name is Bacon Marmalade and I have to believe that this is an unabashed attempt by PC to market the product as a sweet condiment. When you taste it for the first time, the flavour note is indeed sweet, but its sweetness is carried from caramelized onions, not white granulated sugar. Next your olfactory picks up on smokey bacon goodness and the tartness of balsamic notes. It's... delicious. I wouldn't say it's "foodgasmic," but the experience is certainly unique.

What is deserving of this unique condiment? Why, olive oil and rosemary soda crackers served as the delivery vehicle, while a double churned, creamy and pungent Brie balanced out the sweetness of the Bacon Marmalade. What really set off all the flavours was freshly cracked black pepper on top. In two words, this middle-of-the-night snack was "just right."

Final verdict: President's Choice Bacon Marmalade is a resounding BUY.

Have you had this and/or other Black Label products yet? If so, let me know what you think about it/them in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

President's Choice Black Label Collection

Heya frugies,

Since I was a child, I remember Superstore and its brands, President's Choice and No Name, being very budget and almost undesirable. Fast forward to today. Galen Weston has really turned things around for the grocery store giant. From its house brand of clothing, Joe Fresh, to their health-conscious Blue Menu meals, I really have to commend them on reinventing themselves to become a fantastically good source for almost everything I need for my household.

You can imagine my glee to learn of their Black Label collection today!

Their food-sexy marketing videos have definitely piqued my interest in trying a few of their Black Label products. How about you? Are you sold on PC Black Label without a taste test? Or if you've tried their Black Label products, what do you think of them? I'd love to know! Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by,
Heya frugies,

You've landed in the land of yvrfrugiefoodie! Basically as a frugalista, where I'm able to save money in other aspects of my lifestyle, I splurge on good eats. This blog space is designated for sharing with you some of the best food Vancouver, BC has to offer from the POV of a local. Here, you'll see meals that run the gamut; from complex and exotic menus to food truck comfort foods, it's all here.

Thanks to Evernote Food, a handy iPhone app, I'm able to save all my food adventures while on-the-go. Stay tuned for tantalizing food entries!

Thanks for stopping by,