Thursday, November 22, 2012

President's Choice Black Label Collection

Heya frugies,

Since I was a child, I remember Superstore and its brands, President's Choice and No Name, being very budget and almost undesirable. Fast forward to today. Galen Weston has really turned things around for the grocery store giant. From its house brand of clothing, Joe Fresh, to their health-conscious Blue Menu meals, I really have to commend them on reinventing themselves to become a fantastically good source for almost everything I need for my household.

You can imagine my glee to learn of their Black Label collection today!

Their food-sexy marketing videos have definitely piqued my interest in trying a few of their Black Label products. How about you? Are you sold on PC Black Label without a taste test? Or if you've tried their Black Label products, what do you think of them? I'd love to know! Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by,

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